Aim of this page is to show you how to use basic functions of the platform. If you still have some questions for which you can't tind answer on this page, feel free to contact me:
First, You need to decide what type of dataset you want to create. You can create a dataset with questions of one of the following types:
- A/B/C Type - if you select this type, your dataset will contain questions with three possible answers. This type of question is quite universal. You will need to specify a question and two or three possible answers for every one of your questions. Optionally you can also specify a question with answer, text which will be shown to the user after selecting the correct answer. Here you can find some examples of questions of this type:
How much is 4*4?
Yes, 4*4 = 16
They ? very happy.
They were very happy.
Is Africa a country?
No, it's a continent.
- Type type - if You select this type, your dataset will contain questions with a question and one or more possible answer. Player will be asked to type the correct answer. This type of questions was created to work with vocabulary and more than one possible asnwer gives you the possibility to accept translations alternatives. Here you can find some examples of questions of this type:
un coche
a car
tha car
- Word Order type - if You select this type, your dataset will consist of pharses. Player will need to put the words of each pharse in the right order (they will be shuffled). Here you can find some examples of the questions of this type:
I haven't seen you for ages.
Have you ever been to Spain?
I have just finished the game.
After deciding which type of dataset you need, click the tab with the name of the type of your choice and click the "+" button located in the top left corner of the datasets section. This will create a dataset.
Click the "V" (View) button to open the dataset. "D" (Delete) button will appear next to the "V" button. Click the "D" button and confirm the dataset deletion
Click the "V" (View) button to open the dataset. "+" button will appear next to the "V" button. Click it. The question will be added. Then you can edit it.
Click the "V" (View) button to open the dataset. Click the "D" (Delete) button on the right side of the question that you'd like to delete. Confirm the question deletion.
Click the "V" (View) button to open the dataset. Click the "E" (Edit) button on the right side of the question that you'd like to edit. Click on the field that you'd like to edit and edit it. After finished editing, click "Save" button to save the question. Here are some more tips about editing questions:
- If you're editing a question of A/B/C type, double-click one of the answers to mark it as correct. "Question with answer" field (the one below the question field) is optional and can be left empty. If you'd like to create a question with only two possible answers, leave the answer field in the middle empty.
- If you're editing a question of Type type, you can mark a question to be asked twice (in both directions) - for example: fast -> rápido, rápido -> fast. In order to do this, click the direction button (with one or two arrows) that is placed between question field and answers fields.
- Start the game on your device
- Generate a link for your students so that they can play on their devices
- Select the game that you'd like to play by clicking it on the "games" section. Note that not all games work with all dataset types. Datasets of type A/B/C and Type answer will work with games from the tab "A/B/C & Type". Datasets of type Word Order will work with games from tab Word Order.
- Click the "P" (Play) button located on the right side of your dataset. Select the "Play on my device" option. Level selector will open. Select desired level and the game should start.
- Select the game to which you'd like to create a link by clicking it on the "games" section. Remember to select a game from proper tab (for more details see the point one of how to start the game on your device step list).
- Click the "P" (Play) button located on the right side of your dataset. Select the "Make a link" option.
- Specify the name of the link. If all your students have reached the age of consent in their country, you can enable the live reporting feature. With this feature enabled, the players will be asked for their nickname after finishing the game and their result will be instantly displayed in your dashboard.
- Click "Apply". Your link should be now generated. You can copy it instantly or leave it for later. To exit the link creation window, click anywhere outside it.
- Your link should now be visible in the "Links" section below the "Dataset" section. You can copy it anytime (by clicking "C" button) or display a QR code for your students by clicking the
button. Your students can then scan it from your device and the link from within the QR code will take them directly to your game.
The live reporting feature allows you to instantly see the results of your students in your dashboard when your students have finished playing on their devices (using game link/QR code). The data fowarded from player to teacher consists of the player's nickname, result and submit time. As this information might be considered personal data, the player has to give consent to process it. According to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) kids below certain age cannot give the consent on they own. That's why in order to use this feature, you must be sure that all your students have reached the age of consent. Note that the players can not give the consent for data processing, in this case, you won't be able to see their results.
What is this age?
In the European Union this age varies between 13 and 16 years old. Here you can find a list of the countries of EU and the age of consent in them. Note that this list might be out-of-date or inaccurate despite me doing my best to keep it accurate and up to date. If you want to use the live reporting feature, you should make sure that the consent age in your country is really such as stated on this list. If you find that it is not, please let me know by sending a message to this address: Thank you in advance.
Country | Age |
Austria | 14 |
Belgium | 13 |
Cyprus | 14 |
Czech Republic | 15 |
Denmark | 13 |
Finland | 13 |
France | 15 |
Italy | 14 |
Latvia | 13 |
Lithuania | 14 |
Malta | 13 |
Sweden | 13 |
Another EU countries | 16 |