The Privacy Policy The aim of this privacy policy is to explain which data is collected by the website, why it is collected, how it is kept secure and to explain the user his rights according to this data. It also describes cookies usage by the website. Last edit date: 02.09.2021 1. Definitions
the website- this website, accessible at
OS- the operating system
the Terms of Use- the terms of use of the website.
user- anyone using the website
GDPR- the General Data Protection Regulation
COPPA- Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule
2. Data administrator

The administrator of the website and your data administrator is Tomasz Horodecki. You can contact him by e-mail:

3. Data collected by the website The website collects the following data: 3.1 Data collected based on the user consent:

This data is collected based on consent according to Art 6 (1)(a) of GDPR, which is given by the user during sign-up process (by accepting this privacy policy), or by the player before starting the game (also by accepting this privacy policy) in case of accessing a game by the game link generated by the signed-up user. The consent from the player is requied only if the signed-up user (the teacher) enabled the live reporting feature, otherwise no data is collected from the player that would require his consent.

This data is kept until:

  1. The signed-up user removes his account.
  2. The signed-up user’s account is removed.
  3. The players data can be removed by the signed-up user using the website’s dashboard by removing the link connected with the player's game record or the dataset connected to this link.
  4. The players data can be also removed automatically if there is too much play records of the link (the oldest records are removed then).
  5. All play records are removed automaticially after three weeks of submitting. This removal can take up to one week.

3.1.1 Data collected from the signed-up users: 3.1.2 The data collected from the users that have finished playing a game with a dataset prepared by a signed-up user: 3.2 Data collected based on the legitimate interest:

This data is collected to keep the website and the data it collectcs safe. It makes it possible to detect hacking attempts and data breaches, helps find security vurneabilities and fix them. It is collected according to Article 6 (1)(f) of GDPR (the legitimate interest). This data is removed automatically after 30 days or less.

4. Your rights Addording to GDPR, the user has the right:

To contact the administrator, please write to the

The signed-up users apart from contacting the administrator to access or rectify their data, can instantly edit their mail address, password and data submitted using the website’s dashboard using the website’s dashboard interface. They can also use this interface to remove their account data.

5. Third-parties

None of the data collected by the website is shared with any third-party.

6. Cookies policy The website uses cookies for the following purposes: 7. How the users data is kept secure

The website uses multiple layers of security to ensure that the users data is kept safe. All the vurneable data is transfered from and to the user using secure SSL protocol. It is kept on rented VPS located in Amsterdam. On the server the most vurneable data is encrypted for extra security.

8. Changes in this privacy policy

The website administrator may update this privacy policy. The signed-up users will by informed by mail message that the privacy policy is about to be updated. The non signed-up users are recomended to watch this privacy policy page from time to time. If this privacy policy will be updated, for 7 days before the changes apply, the new privacy policy will be available to see by clicking a link on this page. After 7 days, the new privacy policy will substitute the old one. If the user do not remove their account or do not contact the administrator to object their data processing or request its removal within this time, their data may be processed according to the new privacy policy.

9. COPPA compliance information

The website does not willingly collect any personal information from US children below 13 years old. It is targetted to the European audience only, the signed-up users are allowed to give the game access only to the users (students) located in the European Union.

Terms of use Privacy policy Attributtions