1. Definitionsthe website | - this website, accessible at |
user | - anyone using the website |
The author and the administrator of the website and your data administrator is Tomasz Horodecki. You can contact him by e-mail: Some parts of this website are not the intelectual property of the website author, the list of them, with their licenses and link to their websites is available here. If you belive your intelectual property is used without your consent, please contact the website's administrator.
3. DisclaimerThis website and the services it offers are in the testing stage. They are likely to be unstable and not work as desired. This website can go down anytime, without any notice. The user's account, and/or his data can be removed anytime, without any reason or notice. This platform is offered "as is", without any warranty of any kind. The website administrator shall not be hold responsible for the lose of any data of any user or the site working not as desired. Any of the information provided on this site might be inaccurate or incomplete. The website administrator shall not be responsible for its accuracy or completeness.
4. Account creation and usageThe user can create an account on the website if he meets all of the certain conditions. These are:
While signing-up, the user should provide correct, accurate information (e.g. the mail address). Note that if the user has created an account while being inside the European Union, but he is currently outside this area, he should not use this account. The user should keep his password safe and not share it with anyone else.
If the user does not log in to his account for over 180 days, his account will be removed. The user shall not use his account for the other purposes that educational. The user shall not use his account to propagate racism, hate or any form of discrimination. The website administrator shall not be responsible for the content submitted by users. However he reserves the right to view the user-submitted content and delete it.
Any account and any user-submitted data can be removed anytime, without any reason and without any notice, either manually by the website administrator or automatically.
5. Giving the game access to another users (students)The website allows signed-up users to generate links that will allow another users to run one of the website's provided game with the question dataset created by the signed-up user. The website allows also to give the game access to other users (students) directly on the device of the signed-up user (the teacher) without generating a link. The game access shall not be given to anyone either by the link or directly unless the person who would recive this access meets all of the following conditions:
The game access links should not be shared by anyone apart from the user that has generated such link.
6. The website modificationsThe website should be used as-is, the user should not attempt to modify it client-side or to alter in any way the mode it works.
7. Changes in these terms of useThe website administrator may update these terms of use. The signed-up users will by informed by mail message that the terms of use are about to be updated. The non signed-up users are recomended to watch this terms of use page from time to time. If these terms of use are updated, 7 days before the changes apply, new terms of use will be available to see by clicking a link on this page. After 7 days, the new terms of use will substitute the old ones. If the user do not agree to the new terms of use, he should remove his account within this time.